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Artwork & Logo for Sunflower Steve Featured on CBS Morning News!

I'm delighted to share that my client and friend, Steve Kaufer aka "Sunflower Steve", was featured in CBS Sunday Morning News! 
The whole news segment focuses on sunflowers grown around the US, but you can skip ahead to 3:48 to see him, his unique varieties of sunflowers that he has bred over the course of 15 years, and the sunflower artwork, logo, and packaging design that I did for his seed mix: "Van Gogh's Fantasy Mix"!
It is always such a treat for me to see my work in the wild, being used on physical products. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Steve and look forward to the new varieties of seeds that will be released in the coming years.
Take a look below to watch the segment:

Check Steve and his sunflowers out:

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1 comment

  • I love his logo!!! I love the colors!
    I have purchased his hats because of the logo three times.
    I owned a yellow baseball hat but the snap in the back is broken. I don;t know who made them but please tell them with long hair that clasp/snap has to be stronger?!!!!

    Sandra Fisher

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